Exciting Changes for 2025 at Tri-County: Morning Drop-Off and Dismissal Updates!

As we welcome the new year, we are excited to announce some changes to the drop-off and dismissal procedures at Tri-County, thanks to the completion of our new addition! Kindergarten and preschool students will now join the daycare in the new addition, which brings a few updates to our daily routines.

Morning Drop-Off: Morning drop-off will remain largely the same, with one exception for preschoolers. Preschool parents should now drop off their children at the SOUTH end of the new addition. To do so, please enter the SOUTH driveway near the tennis courts, drop off your child at the south door, and exit via the west end of the parking lot. Please note that students should not enter the double doors on the west end of the elementary building.

Dismissal Changes: Dismissal will primarily affect car riders. Buses will resume picking up students at the Robert Kimberly Gym doors, while car riders will be picked up at the south doors of the new addition. Parents should enter the south drivewaynear the tennis courts, remain in their cars, and wait for their child to be brought out to you at the south doors. After pickup, traffic will flow from the south driveway, past the sidewalk on the south side of the new addition, and exit through the west drive/parking lot.

We appreciate your cooperation as we make these transitions and work to keep the school day running smoothly for everyone!