Nurse's Corner
From the Health Office
Shelly Sims, RN
Covers Mondays
RaCail King, RN
Covers Thursdays
Here at Tri-County, there are two different nurses on campus two different days of the week.
Monday- Shelly Sims, RN
Thursday- RaCail King, RN
You can reach either of us by calling the school during school hours or by email at:
A health history and emergency contact form will be sent with your child during enrollment. Please fill this out completely and return it to school as soon as possible. If your child has any health concerns or needs special accommodations for health-related issues, please contact us directly.
Per District Policy, students are not permitted to carry any medication, prescription or over the counter, except for Epi Pens and Inhalers but a doctor’s order must be provided giving them permission to carry the Epi Pen or Inhaler.
If your child needs a prescription medication while at school, a doctor’s order is required as well as the “Authorization for Medication” form. This can be picked up at school or found on this page. This form must be completed by the Health Care Provider and signed by a parent giving authorization for the medication. Medication cannot be given unless the proper forms are in place.
*Note that when a medication is ordered 3 times daily, it should be given at home before school, after school and before bed. There will be no medications given at school that are required 3 times/day.
All prescription medication must be in a dated, labeled pharmacy container. This includes Inhalers and Epi Pens. All medication must be brought to the school by a parent or guardian. There is no exception.
The first dose of any new medication cannot be given at school. Any potential side effects must be monitored at home.
Please call the office if your child is absent for any reason. If due to illness or injury please inform us of the symptoms (fever, sore throat etc.) as we track student absences and illness for infection control purposes.
Fever over 100.4, flu-like illness, vomiting and diarrhea are all reasons to stay home from school, and a doctor’s note may be required to return to school for the absence to be excused per school attendance policy.
*Your child must be fever free without the use of medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
If your child is feeling ill during the school day, they must be assessed by the nurse (or authorized school staff) in order to be dismissed. Children are not to call or text parents that they are sick and need to go home.
Please inform the nurse if your child will be out for an extended time due to illness, have frequent absences due to a documented chronic medical condition, or has any surgical procedures or hospitalizations that may require accommodations to ensure your child’s health needs and academic success.
If your child had a physical or immunizations over the summer, please send a copy or have your health care provider fax a copy to the school for their health file. If your child still needs immunizations, please contact the Daviess County Health Department at (660) 663-2414 to set up an appointment or walk-in any Tuesday 8-4 pm. It is the Missouri State Law that students be immunized against poliomyelitis, rubella, measles, mumps, tetanus, pertussis, diphtheria, hepatitis B, and meningitis.
*If your child is exempt, please provide the proper documentation for their file. You can find this documentation at the Daviess County Health Department or your physician’s office.
It is helpful to us as a school community to have good communication with families at all times. The more information we have, the more we can help your child be healthy and succeed in school. Do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any assistance to advocate for your child’s healthcare needs. We wish good health and a successful school year for your child!
Nurse Shelly and Nurse RaCail
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