Pep Band

Tuesday, November 26th will be our first home basketball games. The band will play before the games and during the half-times of both games. Here is our schedule for band members:

5:15 Meet at band/music room for warmup

5:45 After warm up we will travel over to new gym

5:55 Play Star Spangled Banner directly before the girls game

6:20-6:30ish Half-time of girls game - play pep band songs

7:20-7:30ish Half-time of boys game – pep band songs

After we play at half-time of boys game, we will bring all equipment, stands, instruments, music back to band room and you are released as a band.. W e will sit together as a band for both games and cheer for our Mustangs!

This pep band is required for a part of your grade, so if you are unable to attend, I will need a signed note from parent/guardian.

Thanks! Sue Bird, Band and Music Teacher